

It felt equally weird to write a post about myself in 3rd person and ask Piotr to publish it so let’s skip the spiel: Welcome back, it’s Ela here and I am SO totally going to take over the next Hive53 meetup! 😀

As some of you already know, me + team are back from an amazing summer spent between Palo Alto, Mountain View and San Francisco. I’m positively overwhelmed and energized and had enough quiet time to put everything in perspective so I’m ready to share.

So for all those asking: How it’s been? How’s the product going? How is the team doing? How was YC?! How is California? Have you missed Krakow?! What have you learned? Was it a life-changing experience?

…it might be the only chance this year to get answers before I shut up as we move back to work (needless to add, so much to do :)).

I’m also hoping to start this new Hive53 season with some controversy! Controversy, exactly, you heard right! By stating that every person who’s not just „doing a startup” but actually committing to starting a technology business SHOULD spend a few weeks in Silicon Valley and somehow try to really experience it. Like REALLY – just traveling won’t count. I’ll argue that all entrepreneurs out there should get their butts kicked, eyes opened and maybe even brains washed. You know–yes, we’re conservative in this part of the world–BUT at least a bit. And the more the better ;). I could go on and on why and how… but then no-one would come to hear me speak so I will stop here.

For most Hivers I need little introduction but let’s do this properly: I’m Ela Madej and over the last 6 years I’ve had the pleasure to work with a bunch of amazing people with whom I co-founded (1) great web and mobile dev house Applicake, (2) European Rails Conference Railsberry, (3) the one and only ubiquitous Base CRM, (4) Mobile Mobile Conference, (5) attribution tool for the web Credictive and… (5) this very startup community Hive53 ;). More about me on my personal website + you can always follow me on Twitter here. I’m also not really a unicorn. That’s just a mask.